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NMM conflicting with Bethesda mods?


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I noticed that some mods launched with NMM don't load if I also use the in-game Mods section to launch the mods from Bethesda's site.


Easy Lockpicking, Craftable Ammo, off the top of my head, are affected. CBBE and all clothing mods aren't affected.


If I launch NMM it disables the mods from the in-game menu, all of them, and if I re-enable the mods from the in-game menu, it disables some of the mods from NMM. So basically, I can't have mods from both NMM and the official in-game support, because the two mod launchers keep disabling the mods from the other.


Also, still no mod for infinite carry weight. I remind you that Carry Weight Modifications doesn't work with patch 1.5 and has been discontinued by its creator, and Makanar's Carry Weight Mod also doesn't work anymore and it hasn't been updated for 1.5.

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