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Fallout 3 goty compatible with Win 7pro???


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I have it running on Win7 Premium 64-bit. I remember having to manually force the 2nd disc but otherwise it installed fine.


I also had to change a setting in the config file to limit it to 2 CPU cores because they busted quadcore support in one of the patches and couldn't be bothered to fix it. It causes random crashes when running on more than 2 cores.


Open up the fallout.ini file in: My Documents\My Games\Fallout3

Find the line:


change it to:


Add another line after it and insert:



If it continues to crash, change it to iNumHWThreads=1


You might want to look for and download something called Win 7 codec pack.


And do the obvious stuff like making sure Windows and the graphics driver are up-to-date. I think I remember it installed some Microsoft stuff that Windows needed to update later.

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If we seeing updated date in compatibility list, it recently updated by Microsoft 3/2/2011(newer than new vegas),after service pack 1 Win 7 has been released(February 22, 2011). It seem OP's OS using service Pack 1 too. Probably this is the second test by Microsoft for Fallout 3. After the first test failed (NOT compatible),then go to the second test..Yes, all I know about Microsoft, something is hidden..

Another thing ricmoors using crossfire, which is maybe causing a crash(so i'd recommend using single), after Fallout 3 Unofficially compatible on Win 7, don't make another issues.

If you are using Catalyst 11.6, from I've heard that driver has too many bugs..

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Yes, the Microsoft official line is that Fallout 3 is not compatible with Windows 7, to be fair, this is the same line that Bethesda takes:




Does Fallout 3 Support Windows 7?

Fallout 3 is not an officially supported title of Windows 7.


It should not be taken seriously though, what it really means is - we can't be held responsible if it does not work!


After all Fallout 3 was made prior to Win7.


Like I said & others on here too, it works very well on my Win7 64 bit.


& that's both before the service pack & after.


I even run it with the highest settings.


The thing Fallout 3 really seems to have trouble with are hyperthreaded multi cores especially those above two cores.


Fortunately there's an .ini work around for that. :)



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