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Ai help


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hi everyone im new here and ive been trying to create AI i followed the wiki guide but that was a very bad guide and i need some help on to create ai in towns like guards to patrol and have people walk around and when its night time they go into there houses to eat and sleep. much help would be appreciated thank
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Go to (in the file/edit/view/etc. bar) Character --> Packages. Right click in the resulting list and pick "new". On the new panel, set the editor ID of the package to whatever you want. To the right of that, set what kind of package you want it to be (Eat/Sleep/Find/Wander/etc.). Below that, there are a bunch of checkboxes; check what you want. Below that are some tabs:


Schedule: Holds the day of the week, month, date, time, and duration parameters. Adjust them only if you don't want them using this package all the time (which you shouldn't want them to). I assume you can guess what the day of the week, month, and date parameters do. The time parameter is when the NPC using this AI Package will start using it. The duration is how long they will continue to use it.


Condition: Set conditions for the package use like only while sitting, only while the person's disposition is this or that. I don't know much about because I've never found a need for it yet.


Location: Check the "location" checkbox if you want the NPC to perform this package in a specific spot. It's pretty self-explanatory.


Target: This is like Location, just for different kinds of packages I guess. Again, pretty self explanatory.


Repeat the package making step until you have one for everything you want the NPC to do. Open the NPC's edit menu up, click AI down near the bottom, and drag your packages from the package list into the small AI list. Be sure to arrange them in order of occurrence. Tell me if you have any problems.

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ok thx i got that :) now how do i tell them where to walk? like i want them to walk in a circle around my town while patroling and then when there down they go and eat and then go to sleep with the beds next to where there are do you want me to send you a copy of my mod that i have so far? here it is Click here. You can find the door in the IC market District. The Door Is in the middle of the road.
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ok thx i got that :) now how do i tell them where to walk? like i want them to walk in a circle around my town while patroling and then when there down they go and eat and then go to sleep with the beds next to where there are do you want me to send you a copy of my mod that i have so far?


Make is so that the AI says to sleep, and in the location tab select the bed. Do this for everything. What you want them to do, what manner you want them to do it in, and where to do it. Etc. Etc.

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