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Error: Array index -1 is out of range


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Hmm. No changes with anything. After installing Modded Loot and one of the armor mods, I saved the game then exited and reloaded the save. I still crashed in the same spot. Then I edited my mod order by placing the loot mod dead last, then went to try both the save that was made before and the save that was made after I installed it. Still, crashes in the same spot.

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Well try and get a default armor to work 1st ... also i don't know what skeleton he using as his bases for the slots ... clearly something is getting set to -1.

There is also the possibility of a mod conflict did you try a clean start with just that mod ...


To truly find the error you need to start removing other possibility's

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The strange thing is that the mod DOES work, it just seems to crash at apparently random intervals (or, in the case of my test location at Fort Greenwall, consistently). By that I mean that I CAN summon up some bandits and see them wearing the custom armor that I added. It makes me wonder how this isn't a binary matter - why the mods can work perfectly fine one minute and then crash the game the next. I would assume that if there's a problem with the script trying to load the armor, or the armor itself, the game would crash as soon as I activated the mod. The fact that it works for a while but then gives out seems strange.


Anyway I do think that I'll try using just these two mods (Mooded Loot and the armor that it activates) on my completely umodded early game save and see what happens. It's going to be a real pain to unplug all of my mods and then reinstall everything but if there's no other way to narrow things down any further I don't know what other choice I have.

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Ah, I see. To be honest it's something that I'm considering. I never had consistent problems with it before (that I'm aware of) and the lack of complaints by other users leads me to worry that I'd be abandoning a perfectly good mod just because of what may be problems that I happen to be having on my end. At the same time the mod appears to have been abandoned by the author himself, and I HAVE always had at least intermittent crashes with this mod (though I was never able to isolate them to this mod exclusively).


I don't know. It's very frustrating. There are users that can talk of playing a smooth game with more than 200 mods installed, yet I can't decipher these errors enough to know exactly what to ditch and what to keep. I don't go crazy (I've got around 50 mods installed at the moment), I don't overlap, I use NMM and LOOT, I've got the cell stabilizer and memory patch, I use USLEEP, etc etc etc. It's like "how much more careful can I be?"


Anyway I'm practicing adding custom armor sets to the leveled lists themselves after which I'll just have to make a bashed patch. I've been trying to avoid this much more time-consuming route but I'm running out of ideas.

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