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hi, i've been playin oblivion for a while and only recently got into mods but i have found (what i think is) a fundamental flaw!:


(break for suspense)


when i extract a mod into the oblivion/data folder, it also comes with meshes and textures files... now if every mod has meshes/textures files... that means u can really only use one at at time (at least thats what i've been doin >:( ) how can i get around this so i can have multiple mods in the one data folder...


things i've tried (all to no avail):

putting each mod in its seperate folder so that only the Oblivion.esm is in the data folder

just extracting the .esm part of each mod into oblivion/data

combining the mods in the TES Source Construction Kit (that may be a soloution but i probably diddnt do it rite)

bashing keyboard (definitely dont work)


what can i do!!? :ohmy: im so confused when people say they have like 100+ mods running without a prob... is there a mod manager or sumthin!?


please enlighten me :happy:



thanks in advance



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First off, unless you are using multiple mods that are designed to replace the original textures or meshes then you are fine. You can put as many mods in the DATA folder that have meshes and textures because, in many cases, these are meshes and textures that are created by the maker of the mod, rather than retextures or remeshes of Bethesda's.


So, in short, you can just put those meshes and textures straight in with the others, it is unlikely you will have a conflict as many modders name their meshes and textures appropriately so that they will not conflict with other mods.


There is a mod manager, in fact there are many. I use Wrye Bash, but there are others, if you want I can post a link, but it should be the first one if you google it. Just remember to follow the instructions on the webpage and download all the files you need, otherwise it won't work.


What do you mean? Bashing the keyboard does help.

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hey thanks man... u saved a lot of money in keyboards :happy:

i got the omod manager and im all set now :ph34r:



off 2 play oblivion :happy:


(maybe i'll download a couple more mods.. im a mod addict u see)




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