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Is fallout 4 receiving mod support as much as Skyrim did?


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Whenever I look at the Nexus page for this game, mod support for female playable characters just doesn't seem on part with the ones for skyrim. A lot less skin textures, barely any animation files etc.


I know it's early days but it just doesn't seem to get the same interest that Skyrim did.

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The FO4 nexus after a few month already has more than 50% the amount of files as FNV, about 2/3rd the amound of files of FO3, almost 3x the amount of files than Morrowind, 1/3rd the amount of files as oblivion, and slightly more than 1/5th the amount of files than Skyrim.

If you now take into account that a good bunch of modders waited to the CK, and everything pre-ck was pretty much the more hardcore fraction, these numbers even look much much better.

Also Texture quality is already much much better, than in previous games, so the need for better textures isn't that strong, as such less modders feel the need to make new textures, or don't feel like they have the abilities to improve them. And Animations require the tools to import them into the game to be there, which is still being worked on, afaik.

If at all FO4 modding is much more "professional" than Skyrim was, because of the jigh standards Skyrim set.

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