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Neon Genesis Evangelion


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I was hoping someone out there could make a retexture of some of the various Power Armors in Fallout 3 into the "Mecha" from Neon Genesis Evangelion. I am requesting Unit 01, but having 00 and 02 as other Power Armors would be great extras. I looked for a mod like this, but didn't see anything. If there already is something like this, sorry for posting, and please point out where it is.
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No offense, but to you even know what a "Texture" is?


This isn't a retexturing job you're asking for, it's a complete new model. Retex's just change what you might call the "color" of the mod. Technically, the Diffuse map, which holds a picture of the colors which is on what you call a "model"... technically a mesh.


And what you're asking for here is a fully animation rigged new model. Sorry to say that unless a talented modeller who loves Evangelion comes along, it's a long road to be making something like this.

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