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NMM not properly installing mods.


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So i just updated to the newest version of nmm. Completely deleted all of my mods and started over. Gameplay changes work, but textures and models do not work. So i tracked things manually. NMM isnt installing these componants. I tested with a small mod for dogmeat. logged in to the game. he was invisible. logged out. opened the archive, and followed the filepath in the fallout 4 data folder.. the files were missing. I manually installed, and everything worked fine. It is installing esp but not the the other stuff. weird. Any ideas why? archive invalidation reset. plugintxt file seems to be working fine. esps are activating. not sure why they wont install all the way.

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I been installinh them through nmm, then installing manually after. Hopeing that if they fix the issue, then ill still be able to uninstall them later if i want lol. Long shot.
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