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Boston Airport Fertile Soil/Recruitment Beacon


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With Wasteland Workshop my immediate thought for fertile soil plots was making a farm and putting settlers at the boston airport settlement. You couldn't place recruitment beacons though, but could manually send settlers from settlements to the airport.


Seems the same restriction they placed on the recruitment beacon there, got placed on fertile soil plots (and seemingly nothing else, you can still put water pumps and crops in the tiny corner of rubble at the edge) but it doesn't have enough space for much more than the bare minimum or water pumps, let alone crops.


Anyone willing/able to make a mod to remove these restrictions from that area?

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I think I found it, it was only called "Airport Workbench" http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/4969/?


Nothing on it says if it works with WW (it once again predates it) or even if it conflicts with the BOS questline, Ill test it and report back here when I eventually find out.

Cheated my way through the story on my nearest save file, it works with both WW items and seemed to still function with the BoS questline.

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