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1.5 patch = slow ingame open world loads


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im getting hit by a extreme lag when it comes to the open world loading items. i never had this happen this "EXTREME before. i dont go more then 30 sec in-game before the world stops loading and houses looks washed out to the point u see them but at the time you can walk threw them and almost all items take there bloody time to load. im using a nvida 970 4 gb card. i should be able to handle this game easily. but it seems after 1.4 the game world loads slower and slower for me. =(


i5 intell

12gb ram

1gb HDD

970gtx 4gb

windows 7

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im getting hit by a extreme lag when it comes to the open world loading items. i never had this happen this "EXTREME before. i dont go more then 30 sec in-game before the world stops loading and houses looks washed out to the point u see them but at the time you can walk threw them and almost all items take there bloody time to load. im using a nvida 970 4 gb card. i should be able to handle this game easily. but it seems after 1.4 the game world loads slower and slower for me. =(


i5 intell

12gb ram

1gb HDD

970gtx 4gb

windows 7


in the Survival play-through i am doing. i might say all of them. err atlest the ones im closer to because i cant fast travel. but the one i am at right now is the taff boathouse

i was thinking about lowering them. but the sad thing is when i do i will the main risen i got this powerful GPU. (better then a 60 buck one)

i have not gotten around doing so because in in game right now and im using my laptop typeing this up..

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What settings do you play on? Do you have, by any chance, lowered the actor/item/object render distance?

for got to say i use ultra in most options. godrays i have on low shadows to mid

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Okay so i just found out, graphics settings has no effect on this what so ever, I even tried changing Ugrid Loads to try and extend view field in an attempt to get it to start loading earlier but this also had no effect, i ran through most of my bigger mods but not all of them, and nothing changed there either, i have no idea what is going on.

but just to clarify a little when i walk through Boston especially but also any exterior world, its almost as if the cells arnt loading properly or something because everything will be high rez, and then as you walk along into another cell or something the graphics go down, and pretty much all in world items including buildings items textures npc clutter only the ground mesh is displayed and some building meshes. It seems as though fps dosnt drop much at all really when approaching the unloaded area, but as you enter the new area the game will freeze here, become unresponsive, but in 30 seconds or so continues in the new cell.


Running Ver. 1.5 Survival Mode.



CPU= Intel i5 4 core 3.5ghz

GPU= Nvidia Geforce GTX 750 TI

OS= windows 7 64bit


If you would like to see a mod list just let me know.

But any feedback would be muchly appreciated, is this just a bug with 1.5? and can i just wait it out, or should i keep searching for a fix??

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Im also getting this, its unbearable in boston and happens occasionally in wasteland. Im going thrpugh my mods to see if there the issue.

i have been testing around with what loads and how far it loads and all the settings in the setup in the main fo 4 launcher and i come to the conclusion in the same are as u. nothing seems to work. in 1.3 never have this happen to me as bad as it has been after 1.4 + worst in 1.5

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Okay, a fresh install has fixed the complete freeze problem, and textures and world objects dont disapear any more. the only noticeable thing i can see is a fps drop were previously the game would have frozen. I just tested it without mods and 1 by 1 im gonna reinstall my mods. I was playing around with the settings in this mod last night http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/1822/? and i was actually able to get a temp fix sorted, the game wouldnt freeze and the textures would load twice as fast, but it was still immersion breaking which is what im trying to boost the most. If i find out exactly what mod did this ill let you know. Hopefully its not one of the mods i really enjoy, because if the problem comes back, ill go back to fresh install.

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Okay so another update, None of the mods had any effect what so ever, I didnt install the shadow boost fix mod, that i listed in the previous post, also the war on the commonwealth mod http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12395/? but not because it ruined textures, only because the game freezes became twice as regular as without it. Now im running the game pretty much perfectly fine and at about 30fps in boston too which is fine for me and with about 20 mods on from various things like textures and mechanics changes. While writing this i just remembered i havnt tried adding the optimized textures mod, i think ill give that ago now as well, although the games running fine without it.


SO IN CONCLUSION: Just reinstall all components of game including mods seems to have fixed this for me, but im worried it might come back, ill keep you posted.

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