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weapon damage showed incorrectly?


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I think, that all weapons in my game have the weapon damage shown incorrectly. The silver dagger, for instance, has the same number (a 3) than a dwarven dagger. A steel bow has 2, the same as a daedric bow. Similar occurs with armor.

If this is just cosmetic or my bows do both the same damage, I don´t know yet. But first I need to know if those numbers are right.

I have no mods installed that modify these values.

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No, you don't have a problem. The numbers shown are the result of an in-game calculation. It uses the base weapon damage, your skill, strength, and weapon health to come up with the damage value it shows you. As your various skills improve you will see those numbers change and you will begin to see the true difference between all the different weapons.
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No, you don't have a problem. The numbers shown are the result of an in-game calculation. It uses the base weapon damage, your skill, strength, and weapon health to come up with the damage value it shows you. As your various skills improve you will see those numbers change and you will begin to see the true difference between all the different weapons.


Thank you very much. Now I must insist with armor: my leather, fur and chain boots have the same value (1). And similar with different types of armor. Is this the same fact of in-game calculation?

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