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Custom mesh causing crashes in game


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So as stated in the title the custom creature mesh I made is causing crashes in skyrim. The mesh renders and animated fine in the CK and actually in game sometimes. If you spawn it using the console or if you enter a cell with the creature in it the game crashes yet if it is in the cell you are in when you load a save it sometimes works, as well as if you summon it with my custom spell. In the creation kit though it animates and shows up in previews correctly but I have discovered that it gets the same error codes every time:

"TEXTURES: Missing skin tint texture for biped object 32..."

"ASSERT File ..\Shader\BSLightingShaderProperty.cpp Line: 806"

"ANIMATION: Unable to map bone NPC L UpperarmOverride..."

"ANIMATION: Unable to map bone NPC L UpperarmTwistHelper..."

"ANIMATION: Unable to map bone NPC L Upperarm Expose Transform..."

"ANIMATION: Unable to map bone NPC L UpperarmLocalRef..."

"ANIMATION: Unable to map bone NPC R UpperarmLocalRef..."

I originally thought that these happened because I didn't add in the the upper and lower arm twist bones but that's not the case since I tried doing it and still got those errors. I have no idea how to fix the errors now, or even if they are whats causing the crashes in game. Please help me figure out whats wrong with my mesh. Here is a link to the mod itself you can download the mesh there and see if it works for you:

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