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Notes Mod?


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Am I the only one who has a notepad by the PC, usually labelled 'ONLY FOR <insert game here> ', that is constantly missing. e.g. partner needs to make a shopping list


I would therefore find an in-game, free text notepad mod to be extremely useful. I remember the games of old, talking 15 years+, often had an option for adding notes. Is his just old hat? Am I showing my age? Does everyone either remember everything or have a iPad next to their PC these days.


Just wondering :-)




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That sounds like a neat little idea, though unfortunately I don't think such a mod exists. You could however always run New Vegas in windowed (no border mode to prevent losing immersion) and alt-tab between Windows' notepad and New Vegas.
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Good idea, no one is gonna remember all the formulas. I have an Ipod touch next to me during New Vegas playtimes so I can type in all the ingredients needed on key parts I am looking for. Due to weight restrictions in hardcode mode I leave a lot of loot laying around. so need my handy notes to pick and choose.
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