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Editing Physical Stats in Toolset


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Hey all


I think this is the right place to post this.

I've just wondered - is it possible to edit the stats of a character from a savegame (e.g. CHARNAME)? Like if I want to change the Strength or Willpower, etc? Yeah, I know it's technically cheating, but I've successfully completed the game a few times now without that, so I just wanna play around with it :)

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Heyas EDilwen :)

It is, and it isn't.

It is possible to edit the character's stats in a savegame. However, it is not possible to do so on a character that has finished the game. The toolset will only open a savegame file that is about 1 megabyte in size. Most end game saves are larger than that. So when you try to open them in the TS, it crashes with an "Out of memory" Error.



To do so you open savegame.das (NOT das.met) in the TS. And pray that the file will open.

Then scroll thru the list til you get to SAVEGAME_PLAYERCHAR_CHAR (yes, it will be in all capital letters) and click the + sign next to it.

You will see an entry that reads SAVEGAME_CREATURE_STATS click the + nex to that to expand it. This is where all the points on your character are spent.

For their attributes, go a bit further and click the + next to SAVEGAME_STATLIST and this is what you would want to edit their stats.


It will be a list that starts with 0 and could be any number of entries. UNfortunately they do not have a lable for what the entry actually IS, so it might end up being guesswork on what you are changing :( :(

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Hey, thanks for responding so quickly :)


Sorry I didn't clarify, it's not a late-game CHAR that I want to change - I've already experienced the annoyance of the DAT when attempting to remove the weeny inventory limit ;)


I think I'll do as you suggested, note down which number's which and then post it up for others who want to do this. :)


(Hopefully there aren't too many entries...)

Edited by EDilwen
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Heyas Again EDilwen :)

No problem! It was good timing, I guess. I just happened to be visiting not too long after you'd posted ;)


Ok, cool... i'm glad that you knew what I was talking about then. I just tend to go ahead and add info like that when it might be for somebody who isn't familiar with some of the limitiations of the toolcrap. :D


Well, when I was looking that up, I was looking at an autosave, created on a character RIGHT after the introduction conversation. There were at least 20 entries there. :confused:

And while it would be awesome to know what some of those are, some of them will not be the same from character to character, since some of them would change from profession to profession.

But yeah, if you want to go ahead and make that list, I am sure that it might help somebody along who's also wanting to do this :thumbsup:

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Yeah, no worries ;)


Ok...from that list...

Strength = 0

Dexterity = 1

Willpower = 2

Magic = 3

Cunning = 4

Constitution = 5


Then there are about 20-25 entries that I have no idea what they are. I think 26-31 may possibly be some of the resistances, but I'm not sure yet.


No idea what to do about the rest of the party's stats. I guess making CHARNAME to be Superman/woman will have to do for now.


Incidentally, is there a limit to how high the stats can be?


(Edit) Aha! I think I've found where the party members' stats are.



> "0"


> SAVEGAME_STATLIST - and then 0-5 as usual. That's for the 2nd character.


I'd guess the rest would be under the other numbers (1-whatever) after clicking SAVEGAME_PARTYPOOLMEMBERS, with the same numbers applying for the physical/mental stats. Changing those stats changes resistances, but as yet I haven't found those.

Edited by EDilwen
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Oh sweet! Kudos given for the contribution! Awesome of you to take the time to write it all down! :thumbsup:


Yup, you found it. Thats exactly where the other members of the party are. And they have a very similar style as the main player's character ;)

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um, sorry for arriving late to the party... but you do know that there is mod that makes it possible to give you as many points as you want, whether it is points for attributes, specialication or talents right?




You just need to use you console and the following codes after installing above mod:

runscript giveattrib #

runscript giveskill #

runscript givetalent #

runscript givespec #

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