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Extra Head Control for Virtual Reality


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Hello everybody,

I use a DIY Rift for virtual reality, its really cheap and by far not perfect. Simply i use the same thechnique for head tracking
as in this vid

the only difference is, that i have an DIY HMD.


So the problem with most First Person games and virtual reality is, they dont have an extra Head Control, if your move your mouse the whole body

is moving, it feels a bit like someone mountead a weapeon to your head if you use a hmd.
However, as far as i know there is not any mod for SR, FONV, FO3, which allows you to have extra control for the body and the

So in principal, all i want is an extra head control, where only the head moves and not the body, i dont know how difficult this would be to make.

So has anybody an idea how to create such a mod?

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So in principal, all i want is an extra head control, where only the head moves and not the body, i dont know how difficult this would be to make.

So has anybody an idea how to create such a mod?

I don't know if this will be useful, but here is my minuscule knowledge on the subject.


You have three nodes that probably come into play; Bip01 Head, Bip01 Looking and Camera1st. Your in first person mode so Bip01 Head may not be essential to change, and perhaps only the Camera1st is the only essential node that needs to be moved about, but the rest probably have to be adjusted so you don't have clipping with the actual noggin mesh and the camera.

unfortunately I'm not sure how to access those nodes (one of which is a bond) independently of the character animation, ie how to hijack it. Working with it is different than tweaking the 3rd person camera, which we have multiple mods and tools to tweak.

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