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Question About A Mod Author's Permissions


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There's a popular mod on the Nexus here that people have made requests for updates to and the mod author has appeared to have either abandoned or stopped updating. Maybe they've been busy with stuff in real life, maybe they got tired of Fallout 4. Their permissions tab is a little fuzzy on what can be done with the mod so I thought I might ask the community to have a look. The mod is called Legendary Modification. Here's a copy of the mod author's permissions:


You can post this mod on different website, just give a bit credit.
You can translate this mod to different language
You can use this as reference


There's no other details. I'd like to assume that "You can post this on different sites" means you can upload it with modifications but I don't really want to assume anything. Being a mod author myself I respect other users and their work. If rules change I'd take it down if they asked. As for this scenario I've tried to contact the mod author for permission but they haven't been around in awhile it seems. Anyway, with these details what's the stance here on the Nexus, would this cover a reupload modified on the Nexus here or should I wait for word from the mod author for approval?


Thanks everyone.

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It's not fuzzy at all.

Unless otherwise stated, the author reserve all rights for themselves.


This would not allow you to modify and re-upload, as the rights given away don't mention any modifications apart from translations.

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  On 5/5/2016 at 3:44 PM, SamusKnight2K said:

That's what I figured, hence why I asked. I had a good feeling modifications wouldn't apply to the permissions but I wanted to be sure. I'll wait for the mod author's reply.


You can always make your own version of the mod from scratch. There's nothing in Nexus ToS forbidding it, and if you keep your mod up to date you will probably end up with more downloads than the original mod.

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  On 5/5/2016 at 10:14 PM, ShinraStrife said:


  On 5/5/2016 at 3:44 PM, SamusKnight2K said:

That's what I figured, hence why I asked. I had a good feeling modifications wouldn't apply to the permissions but I wanted to be sure. I'll wait for the mod author's reply.


You can always make your own version of the mod from scratch. There's nothing in Nexus ToS forbidding it, and if you keep your mod up to date you will probably end up with more downloads than the original mod.


You bring up a good point... Although I don't care about the downloads, it's just keeping a mod I use active. I only worry because the concept is pretty much the same though looking it over I think I can rebuild it from complete scratch. The mod author DOES state you can use his/her mod as a reference so I'll just do that and build my own version while crediting them for the inspiration.

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  On 5/6/2016 at 7:17 AM, SamusKnight2K said:


You bring up a good point... Although I don't care about the downloads, it's just keeping a mod I use active. I only worry because the concept is pretty much the same though looking it over I think I can rebuild it from complete scratch. The mod author DOES state you can use his/her mod as a reference so I'll just do that and build my own version while crediting them for the inspiration.




The only mod I have on the nexus currently is Craftable Alcohol. Commonwealth chemistry expanded already has this (not the exact way my mod has implemented it but its still got craftable alcohol beverages in it) but the author of that mod hasn't caused a big stink about it and neither have I because I guess we both figure users have specific tastes. If they want whats in my mod they'll download mine, if they want whats in his mod they'll download his. I for one like seeing several varieties of similar mods because it gives the user a bigger degree of control deciding what they want in their game. They're not forced to download one specific mod because it's all that's out there. They can pick from a variety and find something specific they like.


I don't care about the downloads either (if I did, I'd be an unhappy camper cuz commonwealth chemistry expanded has me beat by a long shot lol) I just make mods for me and upload them to the nexus in case other users want the same mod in their game that I do and don't want to/don't know how to make mods.

Edited by ShinraStrife
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