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Why Steam? just why....


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i've had it with steam..... i can't do anything through them anymore without it taking 10 hours, crashing every 5 minutes or having corrupt files from a download.... why the ***k did Bethesda make FONV run through steam...

Edit: i even bought the disk version, and i still get the same steam error messages....


So anyways now that little rant is over, will it be possible to play any future bethesda games WITHOUT steam before i decide to blow my computer into 2 billion tiny pieces?

Edited by survivalist92
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You do know that FONV was made by obsidian right? I wouldn't worry too much about skyrim or any other future releases from bethesda when it comes to steam. Not more so than any other future game. Edited by amycus
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oh, sorry for that error. too much FO3 that i though FONV was by them too (which explains the difference in the ability to get into the game...). But what do i do now that i can't even play FO3? im stuck with Magicka, Daggerdale and DAOC... all of which take a while to get used to =(


Edit: i used to have Dawn of War 2.... but.... steam..... f****d it up too

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oh, sorry for that error. too much FO3 that i though FONV was by them too (which explains the difference in the ability to get into the game...). But what do i do now that i can't even play FO3? im stuck with Magicka, Daggerdale and DAOC... all of which take a while to get used to =(


Pretty common error actually.

As for other games, you can always try other RPG classics if you havn't already...


Oblivion, Morrowind, any bioware game (besides DA2), vampire: the masquerade - bloodlines, planescape torment (really old game but still a really great story and characters)

Edited by amycus
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lost my disk to Oblivion. I like DA2, just gets old after a while. Brink is broken with my new computer, disks to true classics (Baldurs Gate, Icewind Dale, Neverwinter Nights) have been destroyed... (due to little brother) =(


Edit: and im still waiting for my new computer (which might take a long time...)

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Mind telling us exactly what error messages you're getting? Or maybe check the Steam forums. Often people are stuck in the same boat as you, and you can find fixes for problems there. Another option is simply reinstalling steam and letting it update the client again.


PS, I always hear everybody going on about how much trouble they have with Steam what a crock of rubbish it is, yet I seem to run into problems only very, very rarely. When I've had problems, it was usually an error on my side that I could get fixed within minutes. Maybe I'm just lucky.

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Mind telling us exactly what error messages you're getting? Or maybe check the Steam forums. Often people are stuck in the same boat as you, and you can find fixes for problems there. Another option is simply reinstalling steam and letting it update the client again.


PS, I always hear everybody going on about how much trouble they have with Steam what a crock of rubbish it is, yet I seem to run into problems only very, very rarely. When I've had problems, it was usually an error on my side that I could get fixed within minutes. Maybe I'm just lucky.



For FO3: it's just the dreaded CTD as soon as the Steam message comes up, i checked the files and it's missing all of the title pages, i have tried reinstalling it but to no avail.


For Brink: its a hard drive or disk drive issue


For other games: i don't want to wait 10 hours to install them


And i think you are very lucky, Steam just hates me i guess =_=

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lost my disk to Oblivion. I like DA2, just gets old after a while. Brink is broken with my new computer, disks to true classics (Baldurs Gate, Icewind Dale, Neverwinter Nights) have been destroyed... (due to little brother) =(


If you havn't already, try vampire the masquerade - bloodlines. It's basically oblivion in a modern setting with vampires. Just remember to get all the unofficial updates. This game is actually one of my favorites because it is the most immersive one i've ever played - granted that it was also the most buggy one once it was first released and pretty much unplayable. The community updates fixes almost all of them though

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don't have the money, spent it all on my new computer (which has yet to ship)


I see. Well you said you had magicka but that it was hard to get into - the controls are a bit hard, but part of the fun is learning them. If you havn't played the whole story mode yet it offers a few funny plot twists.


Sadly most "free" games today are utter crap. Believe me, I had a time I tried to find a decent one :P

Don't know abot the others on your list but daggerdale, and I've heard it got pretty bad reviews


Best thing would have course be if you could get steam to work. I assume you have allready checked with the support:

https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=7169-TIAV-5361 ?

Edited by amycus
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