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Small request; sawed-off shotgun into a pistol?


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The mod that I am requesting is something i actually was "included" in the vanilla game (for some reason), but quickly realized that it wasn't.

The mod I request aid to create:
A sawed-off shotgun to be categorized as a "pistol". When you cut down the double-barrel shotgun to its smallest form, I want it to "behave" as a pistol, meaning it will benefit from the "Gunslinger"-perk, and use the 10mm aiming animations (although it would be badass to wield the sawed-off double barreled shotgun with one hand, like with pistols in power-armor). I don't know how hard it is to use Shotgun reload-animations and 10mm shooting-animations, or even if it is plausible, but it would be cool.

Also; I want the same for the short hunting-rifle ; to be categorized as a pistol and function using the same rules as a handgun. The same as above, only with the short Hunting Rifle, and maybe change the name upon modding it to "Short Hunting Pistol" or maybe just "Hunting Pistol", "Marksman Pistol" or something.

Can this be done?
Will it prove many hours of labour, or is it something I can learn to do myself? I tried to open the Creation Kit and peek inside, but I became none the wiser.

Thank you for your feedback!

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