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Give treats to Dogmeat


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I have a slew of requests but to keep them organized I'll put them in different threads.


I'd like to have the ability to give treats to Dogmeat. I think it's kind of messed up that he can find me guns and medication and I can't give him a treat or a goodboy or anything. I think treats should be able to encourage him to fight harder, find more loot, and build a better bond.


I love that dog. Tough as nails just like in Fallout 1.

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with so many trees around, compared to F3 and new vegas, we should sometimes lose dogmeat and when we turn to see where dogmeat has gone we see he is off in the distance, pissing against a tree.


dogs should also add to fertilizer if they're based in a settlement. and someone should be assigned to walk them.

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