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can't sleep O_O


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as the title says... i've been staying up to extreme early in the morning trying to fall asleep, but without any success ( Q_Q ). It might be ACUTE insomnia.... but i doubt it because i have never had this happen before. The reason this is an issue is because i start school Wednesday and i don't want to be asleep during that time....


any tips to fall asleep quickly without having to order anything (cause i need to start before Wednesday)?

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Go for a epic jog, thats what i do if i have insomnia.


fat people (like me...) shouldn't jog in public... no matter how late it is... i might crack the sidewalk xD (exaggerated of course, so no offense meant to anyone)


good suggestion though, i would do it but.... the ^^ above ^^ stated prevents me

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Run around your house, drink hot milk (or what have you), and go to bed with the T.V. on (if you have one in your room). If this doesn't put you to sleep, then IDK what will. Edited by Keanumoreira
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Run around your house, drink hot milk (or what have you), and go to bed with the T.V. on (if you have one in your room). If this doesn't put you to sleep, then IDK what will.


hope music will work, i'll try it... if i can get up the stairs to the kitchen without tripping in the dark xD


Edit: Que noises outside my window..... sounds like an animal but i have no clue... why does the world seem determined to prevent me from sleeping????!!

Edited by survivalist92
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Run around your house, drink hot milk (or what have you), and go to bed with the T.V. on (if you have one in your room). If this doesn't put you to sleep, then IDK what will.


hope music will work, i'll try it... if i can get up the stairs to the kitchen without tripping in the dark xD


That works too. Or, just skip an entire day without sleeping (I know this is difficult, but try it. Drink some coffee early in the morning. Will make you very tired in the evening).

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Run around your house, drink hot milk (or what have you), and go to bed with the T.V. on (if you have one in your room). If this doesn't put you to sleep, then IDK what will.


hope music will work, i'll try it... if i can get up the stairs to the kitchen without tripping in the dark xD


That works too. Or, just skip an entire day without sleeping (I know this is difficult, but try it. Drink some coffee early in the morning. Will make you very tired in the evening).


thought of that, but figured i'd wake up around 11:00 AM again, throwing off my sleep schedule again

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Lol funny you mention it, ever since this thread i can't sleep for some odd and unusuall reason.:teehee: :teehee: :teehee:



dange and i have to work tommorrow, but hey i do get 2 weeks holiday woot, starting tuesday.


Seeing double.o_O

Edited by Thor.
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