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Fallout 4 Workshop - Usable Terminals

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Hello Nexus,


I have been playing around with the Fallout 4 Creation Kit a little (have little free time unfortunately), and was wanting to make more terminal options for placeable settlement.


I have the terminal in the build menu, but when it is placed, there is not interaction dialogue when near the terminal.


Here is what I have on the constructable object:



And here is what I have for the terminal itself:



And here is what it acts like in game:








Someone on the Bethesda mentioned interaction markers, which I believe I have added...but I am missing something. Anyone know what I might be doing wrong?

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None of those commands seem to be affecting it in-game. I decided to take your suggestion and turned it into a script:

Scriptname AJDTerminalInitScript extends ObjectReference Const
{Author: Arron Dominion
Contents:  A script to control behavior when spawned.}

Event OnInit()
	float currX = self.GetPositionX()
	float currY = self.GetPositionY()
	float currZ = self.GetPositionZ()

	float newZ = currZ + 5




No dice on the script route either.

Edited by Arron Dominion
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I looked at FO4Edit and compared it with the vanilla Workshop terminal. The only difference I saw readily was that I had no preview transform, and proceeded to add one. I am still at the same point though.


Is there a particular row I need to look at?:




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So as an update, I ended up getting the terminal to work. For whatever reason, in the Workshop Object Create process, it is forcing a power requirement onto the terminal. So I ended up making it both generate power and require power. Here are the settings I used in my test terminal:


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