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Anyone know how to wire/power items in the Creation Kit?


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Adding a generator is easy in the creation kit and in game. The issue I'm having is linking one object to another from within the creation kit so that the power is transferred without user intervention.

I would attempt to play with power values, but I'm not sure how one goes about changing Actor Values on objects that may be Activators (not Actors).


Anyone figure this out already? It'd be a huuuugeeeee help.

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  • 1 month later...

Came here from google, bumping this. I'm specifically having trouble stringing things together (i.e. power on the wall, 5 devices daisy-chained to each other.) The CK only lets you do between two spline markers, but Home Plate for example has conduits daisy-chained and I can't replicate that.

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Not sure if this answer is applicable to the Korodic's problem, but I remember reading this question and the answer provided from a Youtube video tutorial I watched a few weeks ago. It might be useful for solving this problem. -



Question "How do you link up a bunch of Lightboxes in the Creation Kit? I made a stage using the color changing square Lightboxes but I can't find how to link them all (without being in settlement mode in game)"


Answer given "You do that by using Linked References. Select the first lightbox and click on the tab Linked Ref. Then select the next lightbox. Just link them in the order you want them to be activated. If you want all the linked boxes to have for example a green color, you need to go to the tab scripts and open the present script. There you can set the color, time, brightness etc. If you want to control them by a terminal, you need to add the WorkshopTerminal object and linked ref it to the lightbox(es)."

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  • 7 months later...

First of all, you must link generator and all powered items to workbench with WorkshopItemKeyword keyword.

Then you will have to link from the generator to each item you wan't powered, with the WorkshopLinkPower keyword.

Now save.


Load your ESP in xEdit, and find your workbench. The Power Grid is on the right side, if you scroll down a bit.

Rightclick and select Add, and you will see an item called Connections. Rightclick that too, and select Add.

You will get Count, Node1 and Node2.


Edit Node1 with the Ref of your generator. Node2 with the Ref of the item you want powered. (you will see the Ref's in xEdit for your items)

Change Count to 1.


If you need more connections, just rightclick Connections, select Add, and repeat process. Just remember that count MUST reflect the number of connections you have made, or the game will crash.


Hope this helps, or atleast can point you in the right direction.

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  • 10 months later...

First of all, you must link generator and all powered items to workbench with WorkshopItemKeyword keyword.

Then you will have to link from the generator to each item you wan't powered, with the WorkshopLinkPower keyword.

Now save.


I have done the part explained above but have no idea how you do this part below. What xEdit software are you talking about for this process below as I have opened the file up in FO4Edit and there is nothing showing up with the description given below.


Load your ESP in xEdit, and find your workbench. The Power Grid is on the right side, if you scroll down a bit.

Rightclick and select Add, and you will see an item called Connections. Rightclick that too, and select Add.

You will get Count, Node1 and Node2.

I have just started modding for Fallout 4 and so I'm learning all this stuff.

Thank you in advance for any help from anyone on the above matter.



EDIT: I have managed to figure out how to do the changes in the xEdit (FO4Edit).

Now, you mentioned that to add all powered items to the generator you must link using the "workshopLinkPower" but it doesn't allow for more than one thing to use that keyword. Whenever I add something it replaces the item.


EDIT EDIT: Okay, so I have managed to do all the connections in the FO4Edit and saved it but the Ammo plant I have connected still won't work. When I go back in to the FO4Edit to check the Power grid connections they have vanished... Are they ment to be there all the time or am I ment to make duplicates of the items I want to use before I edit them in xEdit??

Edited by DaveBoynton
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