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My Defensive Warrior/Mage build..


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I was wondering if anyone could give me some input on this:

I'm a Dark Elf with The Ritual birthsign, class is primary Magic. two specializations Strength and Intelligence, Seven skills - Heavy Armor, Blade, Block, Destruction, Restoration, Mysticism and Alteration


Is this good? I'm playing with OOO by the way, and Supreme Magicka mod.. with all official DLCs

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I suggest replacing Alteration with Conjuration. Otherwise, you have all three of the Intelligence based skills as majors, which will make it much harder for you to get enough skill increases to get good attribute raises when you level up.


Note that in general fighter-mage builds are pretty hard to play early on; you don't have a lot of strength and endurance, and at the same time your magic will suffer from reduced Spell Effectiveness due to your wearing armor. Later on it is a lot of fun though.

Edited by InAComaDial999
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try showclassmenu:might want to save your stats and skills level somewhere so you can set them back,seeing as changing class changes them
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