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The castle tileset from Dawnguard, it's a mod inspired by my failed attempt to refurbish the dungeon for when the main questline is over. It caused CTD issues with the Soul Cairn portal, so i am rebuilding from scratch in a new cell. It's not very user friendly, which means I spend as much time looking for what I want as i do actually building rooms.

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So when you make a large room you want to use the "CasLgRmToLgHallWall01" piece. Once you add that, drag in the "CasExFreeLg01" piece and place it in the hole in the "CasLgRmToHallWall01" piece. Once you've done that, drag in the "CasExFreeSm01" piece and place that in the hole in the "CasExFreeLg01" piece. After that you can add your small hall way and it looks completely natural. If you want some screenshots of what I mean just ask.

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Oh, my god, thank you! Trying to figure it out was driving me insane! I wish there was a preview window so i could see what models look like before dragging them to the render window, that would at least help a little. I had a similar issue with the chapel, I didn't even know there was a mid piece that was just a floor and roof so i could make the chapel wider, I had to shrink the chapel because of that, and widening it again would mean having to spend ages moving everything else as the chapel is the centrepiece.

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If you want to preview it before you drag it into the render window, just right click on the object and select preview and that will bring up the preview window for that object. You can also filter for the piece you're looking for. For example, if you're looking for the middle piece just filter for mid and that will bring up any object in the section with the word mid in it. Good luck with your mod.

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