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Settlement Rework: Major


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I wanted to share an idea I had to make settlements more independent from you as a player: Let us appoint a major to each settlement.

The mod should add a new "scavenging station" (like Northland Diggers does) that makes the settler appointed to it the major of the settlement.

There should only be one major per settlement, i.e. only one "scavenging station" per settlement.



The major should perfrom following tasks:

  • Appoint new settlers to unused appointable tasks, like shops, scavenging stations, food plants or guard posts
  • Appoint new settlers to unused beds
  • Report concerns of the settlers to the player
  • Defend settlements against attacks1)
  • Repair damaged defense, plants or generators2)
  • Trigger the "I'm more happy when the player character is in the settlement" bonus
  • Outfit new settlers with weapons and armor stashed in a special container3)
  • Handling "[insert enemy faction here]-problems at [insert location here]" quests4)


An algorithm should handle the bulk of the tasks the major has.


1) If a settlement gets attacked, the player should be notified and has to decide whether the settlers should wait for help, or if they should try to defend themselves.

Wait for help - normal defense quest, no changes compared to the current version.

Defend themselves - An algorithm will calculate, based on the armament of the settlers, the defense value and the level, the numbers and faction of the attacking enemies a probability for the settlers to win.

2) Based on that probability the damage to the defense, the electricity and the food plants should be calculated and the major should use the resources in the workshop to repair the damage.

3) The major "scavenging station" should include a container. Whenever a new settler arrives, the major will take one weapon, the appropriate munition type and one piece of each armor slot out of that

container and give it the new settler to wear.

4) The player could decide to just "sit it out" and let the enemy gather forces and attack the settlement (i.e. letting the quest fail and triggering a "Help defend [insert settlement here]" quest instead)

or accepting the quest, which would start the quest as usual.


You don't have to babysit your settlements anymore!

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I counted 3 of those that are in the base game and the idea of "wait for help" is based on a misunderstanding of how settlement attacks work. It's already part of the game that settlements can defend themselves even when the player is away.

Edited by seekingthesun
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