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Why are all the Armor mods that i install not working?


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Hey bud, glad you brought this to the forums. But I don't think you answered this before so I'll ask again, do YOU have the latest 1.2 patch for oblivion. Also I think you asked me about dropping things in the CS, hope you fixed that. Did you :D.


Man that surely is weird though, only armors don't work? What about weapons, do they work?

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Hey bud, glad you brought this to the forums. But I don't think you answered this before so I'll ask again, do YOU have the latest 1.2 patch for oblivion. Also I think you asked me about dropping things in the CS, hope you fixed that. Did you :D.


Man that surely is weird though, only armors don't work? What about weapons, do they work?


No, I do not, or.. at least I don't know if I do, where can I get it?


And I haven't tried out weapon mods so I couldn't answer that.


And yes, I did find out how to drop things in the CS, but they still don't work,


mareru, after waiting outside of one of the buildings for aproximately 4-5 days (hit the wait key and do 24 hours several times), i managed to get one of my plugins working, atleast somewhat working. the armor that i couldn't find was finaly being worn by someone, but i don't think i was high enough in the guild to buy from him. anyway, i'm guessing the stores are the same. wait a few days outside them and then try. i'm going to go try the black luster and circlets now. i'll let you know if they worked for me.


Ok, Ill go try that out and see if that works for me, I'll post back soon.

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Dang... It didnt work. I actually think its not just armor mods, I think its all mods that require a .ESP/.ESM, except it seems the Active Weather System Works.. Wierd.


here are the mods I'm using and there current status.


complete clothing and armor replacer v1.0 July 16 '07 http://www.tessource.net/files/file.php?id=11824 - works

BlackLuster Weapons and Armor v2.3.2.e July 16 '07 http://www.tessource.net/files/file.php?id=10544 - doesn't work

Lowcut Cuirasses Compilation v1 July 19 ’07 http://www.tessource.net/files/file.php?id=12234 - works

ANB Emerald Sorceress Armor v1.1 May 28 '07 http://www.tessource.net/files/file.php?id=10955 - doesn't work

Amazon armor retexture v1 Jun 29 '07 http://www.tessource.net/files/file.php?id=11747 - doesn't work

KDCircletsOOOOptimized v. 1.2 http://www.tessource.net/files/file.php?id=10670 - doesn't work

The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion "Illumination Within" | V1.0 http://www.tessource.net/files/file.php?id=3700 - works

I'm using both Beautiful Faces/Natural Faces - I think one of them works, I dont know about beautiful people cause it requires a .ESP...

ELVEN MAP REDUX http://www.tessource.net/files/file.php?id=3002 - works

ATMOSPHERIC WEATHER SYSTEM http://www.tessource.net/files/file.php?id=6730 - works?

Exnems Underwear version v1.0 Apr 3 '07 http://www.tessource.net/files/file.php?id=10168 - works


Those are all the ones I tried to bother with, for people who asked...

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find this:


Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Oblivion.exe


right click it, go to properties, and click the version tab



the newest version is v1.2.0416



strange, i know i downloaded the patch from the tes site, and i know i ran it, because i deleted it afterwards, but for some reason it says i still have the old version :/



EDIT: i ran the patch again, and realized half way through that i forgot i had reinstalled -__-;;; duh, of course i would have had to run the patch again. so i loaded a save game in the skingrad store where circlets are sold, and there they all were. i bet this is the solution. checking black luster and dark illusion now



edit: black luster works, just need to look for dark illusion :)

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Holy muffin man, make sure you do have the lastest patch as melon said. Which is 1.2.0416 I think. Well heres the link if you don't.







Find the one that looks like that.



Oblivion_v1.2.0416English.exe(5.1 MB) 04/30/2007

This patch is for North American (English) versions.


This patch is NOT compatible with copies purchased via direct2drive or localized versions of Oblivion.


Please Note: You do not need to install this patch if you have already Installed the Shivering Isles expansion.


View patch release notes

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Holy muffin man, make sure you do have the lastest patch as melon said. Which is 1.2.0416 I think.


Bwhahah! Holy muffin man is right! I have version 9.02!! No wonder it didn't work!! Everything works now! Thank you guys so much! Now I can get on with my moding of Oblivion! Let everyone who buys oblivion, this late, know to download the newest patches! They do make a difference. Kudos to you guys!

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