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rotation not working in RTS


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My right mouse button rotation isn't working in real time settler. It doesn't function when spawning new objects, or object moving. The left mouse button works fine. Anyone have any ideas? Here is my load order,

[X] FalloutNV.esm

[X] DeadMoney.esm

[X] HonestHearts.esm

[X] Machienzo - NPC Cosmetic Fixes.esm

[X] IWS-Core.esm

[X] Ambient Temperature.esm

[X] OWNB - Open World.esm

[X] AWorldOfPain(Preview).esm

[X] Active Wasteland.esm

[X] Advanced Recon Tech.esm

[X] CompanionInfAmmo.esm

[X] More Perks.esm

[X] More Perks for Companions.esm

[X] More Perks for Dead Money.esm

[X] More Perks for Honest Hearts.esm

[X] More Traits.esm

[X] Caliber.esm

[X] EVE-900.esm

[X] Inventory Access.esm

[X] Military NV Backpacks.esm

[X] Brahmin Bess.esm

[X] DFB - Vertibird Encounter.esm

[X] Primary Needs HUD.esm

[X] Project Nevada - Core.esm

[X] Project Nevada - Equipment.esm

[X] rePopulated Wasteland.esm

[X] SpeedyResources.esm

[X] wsex.esm

[X] MoMod.esm

[X] DarNifiedUINV.esp

[X] RX-Auto Incremental Save.esp

[X] Centered 3rd Person Camera.esp

[X] DynamiCamera.esp

[X] Readius_NV.esp

[X] TUWRM.esp

[X] FairyRadar.esp

[X] DriveableMotorCycle.esp

[X] Area 51.esp

[X] Portable Tent.esp

[X] RustTownV1-1.esp

[X] Wasteland Defense.esp

[X] Gold Bars.esp

[X] Improved Wine V2.esp

[X] FarmingSomebodyNotBob.esp

[X] PMT - Nastier mines and grenades.esp

[X] PMT - Destructible Ordnance.esp

[X] PMT - Explosive Robots.esp

[X] XFO - 1aa - Accuracy Revamp - mild.esp

[X] XFO - 1bb - Dmg - Non-Var - 2x.esp

[X] XFO - 2aa - Armor - DR+DT - revamp - low.esp

[X] XFO - 4a - Perks - Paths.esp

[X] XFO - 4bb - Perks - Two Perks Per Level.esp

[X] XFO - 5a - SPECIAL & Stats Rebalance.esp

[X] XFO - 5b - Skills - SP Formula Rebalance.esp

[X] XFO - 5c - Skills - Better Med Surv Repair.esp

[X] XFO - 5ea - Skills - Barter - Mild.esp

[X] XFO - 6aa - Epic Skills - Effects Over 100 (NVSE req).esp

[X] XFO - 6ba - Pacing - Mild (No Cap).esp

[X] XFO - 8a - Cripple & Body Part Revamp.esp

[X] XFO - 8c - Karma Rebalance.esp

[X] XFO - 9a - Enemies - AI revamp.esp

[X] XFO - 9ba - Enemies - NPC Health + low.esp

[X] Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp

[X] Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp

[X] RNVExtended[100]v3b1.esp

[X] Bobbleheads - Hidden_v1.2.esp

[X] Continue After End.esp

[X] NewVegasBounties.esp

[X] wsexInnuendoAnims.esp

[X] wsexInnuendoNPCs.esp

[X] wsex_workgirl_tryout.esp

[X] Four Traits v1.esp

[X] More Perks Update.esp

[X] More Perks for Companions Update.esp

[X] More Perks for Dead Money Update.esp

[X] More Perks for Honest Hearts Update.esp

[X] More Traits Update.esp

[X] Active Wasteland - Vanilla Replacements.esp

[X] Animated Prostitution.esp

[X] CompanionInfAmmoCheat.esp

[X] IWS-Core-Patrols.esp

[X] IWS-Core-Guards.esp

[X] IWS-Core-Civilians.esp

[X] IWS-AS-LowSpawns.esp

[X] LootableOldCars_AE.esp

[X] z_Fiends_2.esp

[X] BuildableBotsNV.esp

[X] StimpakGivesSyringe.esp

[X] Advanced Recon Gear.esp

[X] Advanced Recon Tech.esp

[X] Ahzteks Weapon Overhaul.esp

[X] m110.esp

[X] M2Flamethrower.esp

[X] ShinohaiOuka.esp

[X] SR-25.esp

[X] Advanced Recon Armor.esp

[X] Advanced Recon Gear - Project Nevada.esp

[X] bzArmour.esp

[X] HDTshop.esp

[X] Military NV Backpacks - No Straps.esp

[X] Military NV Backpacks - Vendor Script Replenish.esp

[X] Powered Power Armor.esp

[X] Ambient Temperature - PPA.esp

[X] TGsArmorCollectionVegas.esp

[X] UrgeWasterScarf.esp

[X] Teubsteak's Ammo & Crafting Overhaul.esp

[X] WastelandCraftingExtension.esp

[X] AWOP-AhztekWeaponPatch.esp

[X] RasRepairAll.esp

[X] Realistic_Repair_NV.esp

[X] AllCompanionsEssential 2.0b.esp

[X] SarahConner.esp

[X] drgNV - Marcus Companion.esp

[X] Companion Sandbox Mode.esp

[X] NVWillow.esp

[X] UnlimitedCompanions.esp

[X] Feng Shui NV.esp

[X] noautoaim.esp

[X] dD - Enhanced Blood Main NV.esp

[X] dD-No Screen Blood.esp

[X] Jump Fall Fixer.esp

[X] Reactive People - Ultimatum.esp

[X] Realistic death.esp

[X] realistic headshots.esp

[X] no karma loss for stealing.esp

[X] WeaponModsExpanded.esp

[X] Project Nevada - WMX.esp

[X] EVE FNV.esp

[X] SimpleStreetLights (Extra Lights).esp

[X] Vurt's WFO.esp

[X] arcoolka's village.esp

[X] Nevada Skies.esp

[X] Ambient Temperature - Nevada Skies.esp

[X] Interior Lighting Overhaul-Realistic Interiors-Full.esp

[X] ILO-RI-PipBoy Light.esp

[X] AWOPMonsterPatch.esp

[X] AWOP-MoMod.esp

[X] IWS-MoMod.esp

[X] MoMod-Aliens.esp

[X] MoMod-Terminators.esp

[X] Alpha's MoMod Overhaul.esp

[X] Xenomorphs.esp


I have merge patches, but I'm troubleshooting right now

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm having the same problem, my right mouse button won't work while trying to rotate objects in RTS - NV. The left mouse button works fine but it is such a big hassle only being able to rotate one direction. I also couldn't use the 'C' button to select anything until i remapped it using the debugging option in Bess' menu.


My load order is:



[x]Inventory Acces.esm

[x]Project Nevada - Core.esm

[x]Project Nevada - Equipment.esm

[x]Brahmin Bess.esm



[x]Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp



[x]Tag Skills Improved.esp

[x]LeatherBackpack - eng.esp

[x]Powered Power Armor.esp


[x]Companion Sandbox Mode.esp

[x]Light Step ED-E.esp



[x]Jump Fall Fixer.esp

[x]Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp


[x]Project Nevada - WMX.esp

[x]SimpleStreetLights (Extra Lights).esp


[x]Merged Patch


I did use BOSS to get this load order, (but I didn't really know what i was looking at), I'm pretty sure one of these mods affects the vanilla zoom while right clicking and I can guess that might be the problem, but I don't remember which mod it is so I am currently looking them up all over again in order to find it. If anyone already knows the issue or could provide any more insight that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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Found the issue. It appears the Powered Power Armor mod disables the zoom feature when no weapon is equipped, and unfortunately that means that when trying to place a structure in RTS you get no right click function. I have no idea how to fix this issue but I guess at least finding the issue is a start. Hope this helps if you haven't found the answer yourself, I did notice this post is from mid July.
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