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BOOM! Random explosion


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I had the same mod and the same problem. With the Vanilla Clothing Merchant installed, it would randomly make my head explode without explanation and this was before I even had Dead Money. Never knew why but the spontaneous deaths definitely stopped after it was removed from my mod list.


The portable cheat terminal was a better alternative.

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I had the same mod and the same problem. With the Vanilla Clothing Merchant installed, it would randomly make my head explode without explanation and this was before I even had Dead Money. Never knew why but the spontaneous deaths definitely stopped after it was removed from my mod list.


The portable cheat terminal was a better alternative.


This is so weird I don't have that mod and have the same problem. Oh well. I'll try some anti collar fixes and see if that works.

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This problem has happened to a number of people, including me. Read this link and DEFINATELY read my post at the end (second or third to last post in the thread).





I included a link to a mod on the Nexus that solved the problem for me and a few other people. Try it and if it works for you, don't forget to give the author the kudos he deserves.

Edited by SuperSledgeNY
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  • 2 years later...

Dude wow, reply to a 2 year old post (only replying because got an email telling me you replied). I even had to reread my own posts since I don't remember them.


Haven't played New Vegas in quite a bit but it seems when I was having the problem it's some sort of conflict between Dead Money and some other mod, possibly a clothing based one. Something seems to be ticking the invisible option that says you're wearing a Dead Money explosive collar so best I can recommend is start disabling mods and testing the game one by one until you find a culprit. Outside of that though I got nothing else at the moment.


Oh and that's assuming it's just your head exploding (Dead Money only explodes your head). If any other part of your body explodes then I'm clueless.

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