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Simple Request of New Arrows Type, Swords as Arrows


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Some bullsh*t I had in mind lately



Have been thinking lately, How do people of Skyrim impaled with other than arrows, something a little bit bigger like Dagger? No, Bigger, like Sword, yes like an ordinary Iron sword

Sometimes I really pissed with them that I want to throw or shoot them with my lvl 1 iron sword right through their head


Nothing in Skyrim that can appear pierced through someone's body other than Arrows, then how about my dull old iron sword used as arrows when I'm pissed and out of arrows? 2 birds with single stone





Oh well, anyone ever thought of sword impaling? like you throw a sword and that thing hit a victim and remains there looking as fabulous as Excalibur on someone's dead body? and No, not UBW by Elysees, in simple way like throwing items not as Secret Technique (sorry Elysees)


and No, not Throwing Weapons Redux , I don't want more script using weapons

There, My Request is Arrows with Sword (iron, elven, glass, whatever that fits) as the projectiles, sounds lore breaking and ridiculous right? Anyway if someone is kind enough, please make it without script and other things, just make it simple


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