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Request: Anime-ish Male Save


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>_> I've noticed a lack of this kind of character, including in races or saves.. >.> Maybe I don't wanna play as a scruffy "fit" savior guy.. I'm basically requesting someone to make a decent looking male character (that has an anime look about him :\ More of the Intelligent/feminine look) because I'm no good at character creation. I've seen only one decent looking one and it's in the pictures in the Corean race mod (The public uploads, not the creator gallery) >_> No i dont want an identical one to that, but close. That's just something to show what I mean.. ._. I'm not so much as complaining, but I'd like to play as someone who doesn't look like he just crawled out of a pit of goblins or hasnt shaved in god knows when. But i'd prefer if it looked anime-ish :\ i mean, i can create a normal looking person but that wont cut it for me.. :\
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