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What mods add the most realism without making the game easier?


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I'm playing on very hard on ps3 and breezing through. I have more caps, health items and ammo than I would need for 20 playthroughs, and i refuse to abuse glitches (inc dogmeat) or use broken items like chinese stealth armor. I do have max stats and skills though :P


So i bought the Pc version for next play through and want a mod that adds a lot of realism

examples, realistic no more 40 point blank shotun shells to kill a reaver, but no more surviving after being shot 10 times foe me either

ammo and health weighs something (i have around 70 mini nukes that together weigh less than a pack of smokes :P)

no more insta healing from 1 hours sleep or no rads from clicking the infermary



also i'm almost 2 years in game time and i've had maybe 10 things to eat/drink


i've done a bit of searching but so far it seems most people prefer mods that make the game easier so i'm having trouble fimding something that doesn't make me a god or capable of crrying every item in th game



also, does the ash/goo piles glitch plague pc version too?

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If you find the food requirements not hardcore enough, try IMCN - Imp's More Complex Needs. You'll need a good amount of protein, nutrients, calories, hydration, and sleep. Also works with FWE very nicely. If you experience any incompatibilities with your mods, it's very well supported.
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