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Gun Mod - Easy (i think) and not yet made.


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Id really and truly love to use the gun that the wax figures hold in the Museum of Freedom where you first meet the minute men. Its like a mossin nagant but longer, could be .308 high damage/long reload sniping rifle. I think a lot of people would like it even if they don't know it yet :smile:


I'm just a pleb but I don't imagine it would be too hard for a pro to do, technically the weapon model is already there, no? Not sure how it works like I said I'm just a pleb, but dang it would be cool to have that nice rustic feeling long snipey goodness to pick off enemies with from afar then reload/relocate and take another shot.


It reminds me of this weapon (pictured below) which I pray someday makes its way into any of the Fallout games. Plz gad. But until that day hopefully someone can just make the simple Museum gun :D thanks for reading, double thank you if you even consider it, and I love you if you make it, because I know it takes time and effort <3


Edited by gt5t
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if I made a longer reload hunting rifle with more dammage would that scratch your itch? or does it have to be in the flintlocky model of the British soldiers?




Bolt action is fine, I think what I like about it is how the wood on the bottom goes the full length of the barrel which gives it a kind of narrowing look if that makes sense. And then of course the length of the barrel itself, longer than most guns which makes it "feel" more accurate :D love it

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