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Settings script


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A while back, I explained that I was having trouble make gun condition damage penalties to not affect the damage the gun does. The settings changes I make don't work, and I tried doing it in the GECK and FNVEdit to no success. Now unless Obsidian finally fix the settings, all I can hope for is that my last idea works. I would like a script that alters the setting.


The settings that need to be changed are:





I need the script to make it so that when the game is started (or save is started), the script forces the setting changes, and as such, remove the condition penalty from the game.


Anyone able to help?

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Make a simple quest script. The code will run exactly once when a game session is started, or a save is loaded.

I'm pretty sure this is the correct syntax. I'm not at home to check some scripts I did before with con_SetGameSetting



scn MyWeaponSettingQuestScript

; tick the box to run when game starts


if (GetGameLoaded)
	con_SetGameSetting fDamageGunWeapCondBase "1"   ;use a string in quotes for the value, not a numeric
	con_SetGameSetting fDamageGunWeapCondMult "1"


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Ah, no I did not. I did try to make my own script which did save, but didn't do anything ingame. It went a little like this:


scn FNVCRSettingsScript


SetGameSettings fDamageGunWeapCondBase 1

SetGameSettings fDamageGunWeapCondMult 1




I'll retry yours with NVSE.

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Well, I tried your script using NVSE, but still no results I wanted. Here's what I've done so far...


Quest: Made a quest with Start Game Enabled ticked, set its priority to 90 and added the Quest Script. Default Script delay is ticked too.




scn FNVCRSettingsScript


Begin GameMode


if (GetGameLoaded)

con_SetGameSetting fDamageGunWeapCondBase 1.0000

con_SetGameSetting fDamageGunWeapCondMult 1.0000





Anything you can spot is wrong?

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Yeah, I think I'm the problem ;)


Try using SetNumericGameSetting instead.


scn FNVCRSettingsScript

Begin GameMode

if (GetGameLoaded)
SetNumericGameSetting fDamageGunWeapCondBase 1.0000
SetNumericGameSetting fDamageGunWeapCondMult 1.0000





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Well, that didn't work either. I guess we have to concede that both those settings are actually broken and there's nothing that can be done to change them. GECK, FNVEdit and scripts don't work. Only option is to hope that Obsidian decide to fix it.


Thanks for the help.

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