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New Personalities for automatron.


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An odd off shoot of the Shaman idea: Tree Hugging Hippie


hated by Mr. Gutsy the world over. Acts like Prof. Feels from Shunshine Co-Op.


"The universe is expanding man! Let me help you open your mind"

OOOH! I love that!

maybe make a few versions of that. one that is annoying and one that is chill.

that would be funny either way.

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If anyone is willing to work with me, since I've never done anything like this before, I'd be happy to lend my voice to possibly doing a custom voice set for a robot. I'm told I have a talent for voice acting- and not family and friends ("yes, honey, you are so talented!"), I mean complete strangers have told me I'd be a great radio DJ or sports announcer.


Of course, I can do more than just those two types of voices...

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  • 2 months later...

I am currently working on a mod that does this + a bit more. My idea is to bring the automatrons on par with the existing robot companions, introducing them to the affinity system. Why do my robots, and Ada, not have likes/dislikes like Codsworth & Curie? Damn you Bethesda you lazy bastards!

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