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followers wont stop attacking nothing...


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So after finishing part of the quest for moira were you have to beat mole rats with a long stick, I fast traveled back to my home with my followers, Lucy West, Charon, and Clover. When I got to my house they all went nuts. I should rephrase that, Charon and Lucy were already at my house. However they did all go berserk. They have their weapons out, and are constantly running around and yelling like they would in battle. I have told them to wait at my house, they still are panicking, and I went into no clip mode to look for enemies and there were none that I could find. The home is called Hunters ridge, its up at the top of the map near oasis. Behind the home about 50 yards away is a super mutant encampment. I killed all the mutants there and they are still freaking out.. I don't know what to do. The only thing I could think that would set them off is that I placed many mines around the home, perhaps that is the cause, I don't know...



Any ideas?

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