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Ground textures go black/glitch

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I have Poco Bueno texture pack installed. That's the only thing I can think of that might cause this, but I don't remember that causing any problems a few months ago when I was playing the game more regularly. At any rate, especially in areas dealing with grass it seems, the textures will often be completely black or change texture nature entirely. In this screenshot up by silver peak mine, the grass has been replaced by what appears to be a radscorpion texture.


I have no idea what is causing this, but it blows. Any help? I can give a list of mods that I'm using if that is necessary.




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I have yet to install a texture replacer, but he's what I got:


Check to see if you installed the textures correctly, in the correct folders and such.

Even if you did, try re-installing. If that dosen't work try turning on archive invalidation.

If you already had archive invalidation on, then turn it off, and then back on.


To turn on archive invalidation, open up the Fallout Mod Mananger (FOMM) and hit Tools, like in the pic.

At the bottom of the drop down box Archive Invalidation should be there with a checkmark (IF you have it on)

If it was already on, disable it; then re-enable it.

It was off (Un-checkmarked) then just enable it.


(I can't upload pic)


Go here for pic: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/409182-no-archive-invalidationbsa-at-all/

Edited by GothikaGeist
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