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Unique respawnable assassins


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IIRC guards use randomization for their armor sets, though they don't appear particularly varied--a similar thing with more varied armor could be done with assassins. It's a good idea if it hasn't been done yet.

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The only "assassins" we see in game are those working for, or sent by, the Dark Brotherhood, So it stands to reason that they would be wearing, ummm ... Dark Brotherhood Armor.


This is not to say that there couldn't be more variety in "attackers" in Skyrim. Dragonborn did introduce random encounters with various unnamed "Nord", "Redguard" and such, and of course the occasional "Thief" or "Old Orc" give a few seconds entertainment.


But what I'd really like to see is dozens of "Ebony Warrior" type encounters, i.e Someone who "knows" who you are, and wants to fight you, and then actually puts up a decent fight and gives you an a$$ whoopin'!

I'll admit right here, I lost my first fight against the Ebony Warrior, sneaky bugger used the Disarm Shout and then Fus Ro Dah'd me senseless, after which he repeatedly sliced and diced me ... It was EPIC, and egad, sooo much fun!

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There are a bunch of other assassin organisations,and I don't think that every assassin works with a faction,so a bunch would be freelancers as well.There are a lot of reasons some assassins would be sent to kill the Dragonborn.


Some duels would be really nice.I'd also like if the player could challenge some people.

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