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A more disheveled suit.


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While coming up with various ideas for fun and interesting couriers, one idea I had was a suit-wearing Doc Hoff-type merchant, but with a heavy booze and chem problem. However, the pre-war businesswear, despite being 200 years old, was a little too clean for me, and I wanted an open jacket. I didn't like the bolo tie on the Shabby Gambler Suit, and I didn't like that it was brown.


What I'd like is the Shabby Gambler Suit in faded black, with black shoes and a black necktie (the shirt should be unchanged). I want the actual look of the suit unchanged, meaning I want the dirty pattern to stay, I just want it to be a faded black, or more accurately, a dark grey, no darker than the Grimy Pre-War Businesswear (by that I mean the dark grey version from 3, not New Vegas' broken version). As for the necktie, I don't think there's a full necktie in the game (I assume the tie from the businesswear cuts off under the jacket), so I'm hoping it wouldn't be too difficult to make one out of what's visible of the businesswear tie. Also, I don't plan on using it on a female courier, so don't worry about the female version, unless of course someone else wants a female version.


Here's a reference picture, just in case someone gets the suits mixed up and I end up getting a sweater vest under my jacket...




Thanks in advance, with an endorsement, kudos, more thanks, and maybe some other stuff (?) after the mod is done. :)

Edited by WarlordMassacre
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