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Script help please

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I'm trying to make a script that will allow you to pay to make a trap, basically. What's wrong here?


if player.itemcount caps001 >= 550

;player wants to arm as a proximity trap

;message "You made a proximity trap!"

ShowMessage ProximityTrapArmMessage

set trapTriggered to 2 ;trap is armed so start buffer timer

set trapDisarmed to 0

set bufferTimer to 10

player.removeitem caps001 550

elseif player.itemcount caps001 < 550

ShowMessage TrapMessagePoor



This is the section that's messing up. The rest is okay.


Also, how come new scripts (ones I make) don't show up in the list in the challenges editor?


Thanks in advance :)

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#1 "elseif player.itemcount caps001 < 550" can be replaced with "else" for no change in functionality.


#2 "itemcount" isn't a command, it's "GetItemCount"


Apart from that everything else is right. I'd have to see the rest of the script to comment on the variables you're setting, but I'll take your word that they're working.


EDIT: If a script isn't visible in the selection list, it's because It's the wrong type for what you're trying to attach it to, eg, an Object script trying to be attached to a quest, instead of a quest script.

Edited by Skevitj
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