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Quest Script


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Hey everybody!

I'd like to ask for some help.

I made a quest script for a quest; and the first half of it works perfectly. But the second half doesn't seems to be working.

Look here it is:

scn RaivenCryptQuest

Begin GameMode

if player.getincell aaaundeaddungeon1 && getstage RaivenDungeonQuest == 0
	setstage RaivenDungeonQuest 5
	addtopic undeadhelp

if getstage RaivenDungeonQuest == 10
	player.addspell SummonZombieHelpers

[i][b]	if BanditLeaderRef.GetDead && getstage RaivenDungeonQuest == 10
	setstage RaivenDungeonQuest 15
	addtopic UndeadEnd
	player.additem MagicalGem 1

I mean the bold/italian text part. Is the GetDead command doesn't work or what? But that can't be, because I get the MagicalGem, but not the journal update. What did I do wrong?

Thanks in advance,




EDIT: Also I have another question. How can I most easily paint worldspaces? I'm getting tired by the CS's jump-from-one-zone-to-next-flashing thingy. I hope someone knows how to do it out there.

Edited by bencebence
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scn RaivenCryptQuest

Begin GameMode

if player.getincell aaaundeaddungeon1 && getstage RaivenDungeonQuest == 0
	setstage RaivenDungeonQuest 5
	addtopic undeadhelp

if getstage RaivenDungeonQuest == 10
	player.addspell SummonZombieHelpers

[i][b]	if BanditLeaderRef.GetDead && getstage RaivenDungeonQuest == 10
	setstage RaivenDungeonQuest 15
	addtopic UndeadEnd
	player.additem MagicalGem 1

I suspect the problem is the quest stage. There's no "setstage RaivenDungeonQuest 10" (Maybe it's in another script?)

Do you receive the spell "SummonZombieHelpers"? If yes, then the stage is fine.

Edited by forli
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What is BanditLeaderRef? Is it the BaseID of an actor?

Are there more actor with this BaseID?

He/She can respawn?

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It's a referance of an actor. It's an npc, and there is only one of it. But even if there'd be more, this one is a persistent referance of that npc.

According to CS.ElderScrolls, if an actor is dead, but will respawns later, GetDead return 0 (He/She can't considered death if he/she will respawn)

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...But that can't be, because I get the MagicalGem, but not the journal update...

OOPS! I missed this part!! http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/wallbash.gif



I assume you also get the new topic.


A possible cause could be: there's no stage 15 (maybe a typo in the stage number)

If stage 15 exists, then I don't know...http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/blink.gif

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Hmpf, the problem may be that, I've set some conditions for the stage. I'll remove them and try it out.

EDIT: And anyone knows anything about the second one? he most easiest way would be to paint a texture map in Photoshop/Paint then import it. But I don't know if it's possible in Oblivion (Also don't think so it is), so is there any other way?

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I'm an old-fashioned programmer, so one suggestion I'd make purely for readability is - use brackets!


I'm assuming that "if BanditLeaderRef.GetDead && getstage RaivenDungeonQuest == 10" is supposed to mean "if BanditLeaderRef.GetDead && (getstage RaivenDungeonQuest == 10)" rather than "if (BanditLeaderRef.GetDead && getstage RaivenDungeonQuest) == 10", but if you use brackets to be certain what is being tested you guarantee the expected result - I've seen occasions where a compiler picks the wrong priority for functions.

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