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Plasma Rifle Texturing


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Alright, some may have seen my WIP pics of a beefed up plasma rifle a few days ago. if not, here it is:



as you can see, the green cylinder around the glowy bits in the barrel is a solid green. in the standard unmodified plasma rifle, it's transparent to show the animated effect inside. I'm not really sure how to fix that in Nifskope.

all my efforts so far have broken it to the point where it won't load in the geck let alone ingame. fortunately I've got backups :P


if anyone is familiar with this sort of thing, I'd appreciate some advice.


if you want to reproduce my problem so you can see what's wrong, take the plasma rifle nif, open it in Blender. then export it with the following settings (and a different name if you don't want to break your plasma rifle!):




the component ##PLRGlassTube should be solid green if viewed in the geck or ingame will be solid green. a colour which for the warhammer fans out there could be described as "Snot Green" :P


again, any help and advice will be VERY appreciated.

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