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Creation Kit - Deleted Objects Still Showing Up In Game


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So, I altered a copy of a preexisting cell using the creation kit, deleting and adding static objects etc., but some of the objects I deleted still show up when I load the mod into the game. Most got deleted but three seem to be stuck.

Some info:

- The cell is RelayTowerInt12

- The objects are 001de835, 001de845 and 001de88f

- They don't show up in the creation kit either in the render window or in the cell content list

- They show up when looking at the details tab of the esp in ck with the "D" mark under the "deleted" heading

- They show record flags tagged as "deleted" in Fo4Edit

- 001de88f has a record flag of "persistent" while the others are temporary in that they have for flag

- Altering the record flags using ck to "initially disable" or anything else has no effect

- Altering the record flags using Fo4Edit causes the game to crash on load

- 001de88f (a ham radio) is something I would rather just move than delete but even if it shows as moved in ck it goes back to its vanilla spot in game


Has anyone had this problem before and has found a solution? I can disable the objects in game, but that is a bit of an unsatisfactory solution in that I would like to be able to move the radio without deleting it. It is weird that both ck and Fo4Edit tell me that they are disabled/deleted but then they still appear in game.

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Dont know about FO4 but... ill give some ideas in hope that you find true solutions to your problem.


Did you save your mod in CK?


Did you restart/relaunch the game To see if that deleted objects were still there or not?

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Dont know about FO4 but... ill give some ideas in hope that you find true solutions to your problem.


Did you save your mod in CK?


Did you restart/relaunch the game To see if that deleted objects were still there or not?

I have been going back and forth between CK and Fo4Edit to create the mod and have saved using both. I have also relaunched the game a few times after fiddling with settings in CK like the record flags and the same three objects just keep showing up.

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Couple of ideas.


1. Could they be quest related somehow and protected because of it? Not personally seen it but have had someone describe something like this before and that was the cause.


2. Check your load order. Move the esp to last to load and if it all goes away look at the mods between where it was and the end of the list for one that is using ITM's or just using those resources outright.



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Couple of ideas.


1. Could they be quest related somehow and protected because of it? Not personally seen it but have had someone describe something like this before and that was the cause.


2. Check your load order. Move the esp to last to load and if it all goes away look at the mods between where it was and the end of the list for one that is using ITM's or just using those resources outright.



Thanks for the ideas! I don't think the problem is any of these though. Even the radio, which is the only object labeled "persistent," does not appear to relate to any quests. The other two are just a clipboard and a globe, i.e "junk" objects. Also, I have the mod last in my load order as it uses resources from some of my other mods.

Edited by MsRae
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Well "persistent" refs you can't simply delete because that flags means that the game always loads them and stores in saved game.

As for the others, that's strange that they still stay. Try to "Undelete and disable references" on your plugin in FO4Edit, it'll change deleted flag to initially disabled, move refs down below out of sight (Z=-30000) and enabled state to opposite of player. This worked reliably in all previous games, no idea how Fallout 4 handles that though.

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If you have modified these objects in any way (moved, etc) in your game, they might be baked into your save file.

^^^ this


When you're testing your mods, always start from a new game and never from an existing savegame. When modding for skyrim I usually just open the console at the main menu screen and coc to wherever the mod action happens.

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When you're testing your mods, always start from a new game and never from an existing savegame. When modding for skyrim I usually just open the console at the main menu screen and coc to wherever the mod action happens.


I thought of this. But the mod is just for personal use in a save file where I have already been to the location. Thanks anyways! I've decided I'll just move to a new, unused cell and work from there.

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