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Looking for some testers...


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i am EXTREMEMLY new to modding, as in this is my first day trying lol. anyways, ive gone through the first set of tutorials on cswiki, and have made my own mod. its very basic, just a fortress-like home in the mountains, with a second room that functions as a sort of indoor farm. all other doors, for the time being, lead nowhere.


so, i was wondering if anybody would be willing to run through it, giving me some tips on how to make smarter "pet" ai, cause right now all my animals are bumping into eachother and standing still lol.also, i would hugely appreciate any help in picking out the "dirty" aspects of this mod, cause im pretty sure there are some. that way i know what not to do in the future.



I'll check back on this every day or so, and if i get some responses il go about posting the mod.


Thanks so much in advance guys.

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Upload it to TESSource.net, but release it as a 'beta'. That way you'll get a large cross-section of players and modders having a look at it. Post a note asking them to be constructively critical. If it's buggy or needs some crafting, as in Animal AI, there's likely someone who'll point out another mod that uses animals, that you could study from. Just a thought...:)
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Dirty aspects to your mod can be found by clicking load, then selecting your mod and clicking details. You can then view all of the changes that your mod has made. If you want to change something select it, press delete, click close load the mod, and then save the mod again. Anything that isn't meant to be changed for the mod is dirty, anything that is meant to be changed for the mod is not. Just go through your details and make sure that you want everything there.
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