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Purified Water to heal more thirsty on Survival Mode.


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I have a request for a small mod to make purified water heal more thirsty when drunk. Its kinda ridiculous that you need to drink like 5-6 bottles of water to satisfy your thirsty. I known that the efficiency of food and drink is related to the value ofthe item so this could bring some balance issue if you just increase the value of purified water. I dont known if there is any other solution thought.

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I'm on a business trip, so I can't make the mod for you. but this toutorial runs through basic chem/food functionality. it shouldn't be too hard to go in and change up the restore thirst value of water. or whatever. just don't change the "ID" slot for the water and you'll edit the water's form




hope this helps, and best of luck!

Edited by Ekayne
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Thanks a lot for this. Just made my first mod! Excting stuff!


I increased the value of purified from 20 to 50 and it's much better now. When you are dehydrated you drink 2 bottles and you're good. It does bring the balance issue that right now Purified Water is extremely valuable but it's fine since i will be not exploiting this. I wonder if there is a way to decrease the "total thirst" and decrease the rate that thirst increase. That would be a good solution for this.


Thanks again for the help

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