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So.. Hows the big MT?


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I find OWB has a lot more personality(No pun intended.) than the other DLCs for NV, Mobius alone nearly had me wetting myself.

The large(and interesting) new worldspace is also a plus. All in all, it's totally worth the caps.

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Honestly, I think Old World Blues has been the best DLC so far out of Fallout 3 and New Vegas. a lot of the new designs are awesome, and the dialouge is hilarious. Plus, the stealth tests were awesome, first time I've seen stealth actually being properly implemented in a quest for Fo3/New Vegas.

My thoughts on the stealth suit test is actually that they are testing out implementing more stealth features for a new fallout game (at least that's what I'd think) since it was pretty much only in that one area, probably, next fallout game we see will have way more stealth features. And I am definitely hoping for it.

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Honestly, I think Old World Blues has been the best DLC so far out of Fallout 3 and New Vegas. a lot of the new designs are awesome, and the dialouge is hilarious. Plus, the stealth tests were awesome, first time I've seen stealth actually being properly implemented in a quest for Fo3/New Vegas.

My thoughts on the stealth suit test is actually that they are testing out implementing more stealth features for a new fallout game (at least that's what I'd think) since it was pretty much only in that one area, probably, next fallout game we see will have way more stealth features. And I am definitely hoping for it.


They seemed to be testing more than stealth. The automatic stimpack and med-x injections could also be a test for future gameplay features. Overall it did feel like an experimental suit.

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Honestly, I think Old World Blues has been the best DLC so far out of Fallout 3 and New Vegas. a lot of the new designs are awesome, and the dialouge is hilarious. Plus, the stealth tests were awesome, first time I've seen stealth actually being properly implemented in a quest for Fo3/New Vegas.

Definitely have to agree, best DLC to date, of all added content. Even beyond the lengthy mission to the playerhome features itself, there are tons of areas to explore, hilarious characters, and all sorts of secrets to learn. Above all else, everything is intertwined canonically with the Fallout universe in New Vegas (and Dead Money).

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Personally I love those halo's that regenerates HP + gives 1 END. Now I dont need to waste caps on buying a implant ;)

And of course the Stealthsuite is now my favourite armor.


I just got a little sad when I discovered that the Sonic Emitter did not work on the forcefields inside Sierra Madre


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My main question is.. Is the big MT actually BIG? Or is that just the namesake?


It's not THAT big, but then again I find the main game's Mojave desert way too small...


Would that be a problem with harder stealth like that from project nevada?


I finished all the test with Project Nevada active, wasn't that big deal - you can use the exact same route every time...

Was nice to see some proper use for the sneak skill for a change.

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Hey thanks for the input vgo.


I had the same feelings about the Mojave being to small as well :D


But extra space is still extra space.


I really hope they go all out on the lonely road, give us miles to wander.


We will see I suppose.

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