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Interior Save Corruption?


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Im going to be straight to the point. I created a new cell. If I go to it and save, that saved file is corrupt. If I leave the interior cell and then save, I can save fine. My question is, What did I do to make an interior corrupt saves / How do i fix this? I have searched google and the forums for this but i havent found anything related to this (If i missed it, let me know). Thank you.
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When you load your mod into fnvedit, does it give any errors? If so, fixing them may solve this problem.


Does your mod contain any custom meshes which you have created? If so, does the problem still happen when you temporarily remove these objects? It may be that these objects display OK in geck but not in game.

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Im going to be straight to the point. I created a new cell. If I go to it and save, that saved file is corrupt. If I leave the interior cell and then save, I can save fine. My question is, What did I do to make an interior corrupt saves / How do i fix this? I have searched google and the forums for this but i havent found anything related to this (If i missed it, let me know). Thank you.



Just figured it out. It was as simple as forgetting to name my cell....heh

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