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How bad will my system be hammered?


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This may have been asked a million times but whatevs...


I'm grabbing a some gaming hardware soon, and I'm pretty excited about playing modded Skyrim. BUT the computer is somewhat conservative, it's more in the upper-middle class I'd say. Here are the specs...


Quad i5 6300HQ 2.3GHz

8g of RAM (will upgrade at some point)

Nvidia GeForce GTX 965m with 2g VRAM (will also upgrade at some point)


I want to know if there are any discrepancies in my mod choice. I tried to go light on graphics, and favored gameplay immersive mod's instead. I'm aware of proper load orders and such, and I will also have LOOT to help as well on that front. What I'm really concerned about is if I'm modding above my means. I don't want to get bogged down with too many scripts and have crashes every 30 minuets, which is my main concern.


Here is my mod list (prepare for wall of text)...


Skyrim mods



-Nexus Mod Manager




-Unofficial Patches (Legendary edition)




-Enhanced Distant Terrain

-Flora Overhaul


-Purity (With Landscape Textures)



-Campfire (Disable Fast-Travel)

-Frost-fall 3

-Holds The City Overhaul Modular (Plus like 4 Other patches)(Turn off Windhelm and Winterhold)

-Snow City (Windhelm)



-Nock-To-Tip (Will turn off bash animation from this mod, and this will load after Archery Gameplay Overhaul so that the different weight drawstrings can be used)

-Archey Gameplay Overhaul (will use this mod's bashing animation, and this will load before Nock-To-Tip, so that I can overwrite AGO's normalized draw string time with NTT's weighted drawstrings)

-Realistic Animals and Predators

-Immersive Creatures

-Notice Boards (Plus the cool texture plug-in)

-Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade

-Clothing and Clutter Fixes

-Weapons and Armor Remade (Need to get compatibility patch for Immersive Weapons and Immersive Creatures)

-Immersive College of Winterhold

-Morrowloot Ultimate

-Equipping Overhaul

-Convenient Horses

-Wet and Cold (plus Ashes, no holidays)



-Immersive HUD (to get rid of green, red, and blue bars in leu of Important Information Overhaul)

-Important Information Overhaul (will use this mod to replace my status bars with the visuals provided by this mod)

-A Quality Worldmap

-Enhanced Camera

-A Matter Of Time



-Extensive Follower Framework

-Khajiit Follower Inigo

-Various Guard Outfits



-Immersive Weapons

-Immersive Armors

-Apophysis Dragon Masks

-Unique Weapons Redone

-Wearable Lanterns




-ASIS (and Apocalypse patch)




-Rebuild Winterhold



-Combat Behavior Improved

-Dual Wield Parrying/Blocking

-Deadly Combat



-Fantasy Soundtrack Project

-Audio Overhaul For Skyrim




Thanks folks!

Edited by Landry7ate9
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That 2.3ghz isn't the best processor for skyrim by any means. Skyrim needs a freakishly high single-thread performance. It *is* a 2011 game, though, so you'll probably not have any serious issues.

I want to assume your 965m 2gb is more powerful than my 560 ti 1gb. I run ENB and Grass on Steroids with a few hd texture packs (reduced to x1024 with Ordenador). You don't seem to use any texture or enb mods.

8gb of RAM is overkill by skyrim terms. I have a 22 gigabyte mod folder and my skyrim only uses ≈900mb of RAM at a time.



So, the only real thing that'll snatch up yo frames is the grass mods, so just tweak your iMinGrassSize=## to use up as much frames as you're willing to give and you'll be fine.

This is assuming your laptop cpu doesn't bottleneck everything.

Edited by FierySwordswoman
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The only real thing that'll snatch up yo frames is the grass mods, so just tweak your iMinGrassSize=## to fit your needs.

Cool thanks a bunch! I was aware that something of that nature needed to be tweaked but I must've forgotten to include it in my notes.


Edit: So I'm guessing is not a BIG deal that my processor isn't the most amazing, even if it is quad core? Or does that not make a difference?

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About the quad-core thing...


It depends on how you run Skyrim. If you just run Skyrim without anything else major, you could have 16 cores and it wouldn't make a difference. This is because Skyrim can only use a certain amount of threads (probably 2) like most other programs. So, the only way more cores would contribute to the speed of your game would be if you had enough demanding things running in the background (like capture software) to the point where it filled up all of your free cores and started using the same ones as Skyrim. This'll most likely never happen to the average person who has 4+ cores unless something is doing heavy filework in the background like a full-system antivirus scan, in which case you're hdd will be overloaded anyway.



TL;DR: it's hard to run out of cores if you have 4+ and you just play games. Your low single-core clock speed will matter the most.


I have a non-overclockable i5 2400 from January 2011. It runs at 3.1 ghz and has 4 cores.

GTA V, Skyrim, Battlefield 4, etc. etc. I've literally never had a game max it out yet.

-3.1 ghz on a 2ND gen, desktop I5 is typically more than enough for any game. Almost no current game uses all 4 cores.

-Laptops almost always have weaker clock speeds due to either thermal or electrical bottlenecks. Usually both.



I hope my ramble enlightened you. But don't just take my word for it. Look it up, too! : D



EDIT: also, don't get the wrong idea and think that the Hertz is all that matters. There's a reason octa-core AMD processors running at 4.5ghz are still molested by standard Intel ones like mine in many scenarios. Also the same reason why a 3.2 ghz Pentium from 2001 won't even come close to modern CPU's of the same clock.

This is because of technological differences and, importantly, IPC count. Intel processors like mine or newer equivalents are generally the way to go for IPC count. People who've tried to use the Dolphin Emulator on an AMD CPU can attest to that.

Edited by FierySwordswoman
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