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Mod Playtesters?

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I am nearing the completion of the first stage in a fairly comprehensive mod... and I would very much like to see if a few of you wouldnt mind taking a look at it and letting me know if there are any major texture or other issues with it first before I start the major mission and scripting part.


Do not play this with you primary character since I this mod changes a lot of things and I dont want to brick your game. Right now, all of the changes are at NCRCF.


PLEASE let me know because this is my first mod and a few people are having issues with texture, etc. that I cant replicate (in order to fix).. And I just want to make sure i have that out of the way before I move on to the next stage. also, if you are a modder and encounter an issue (texture not showing up correctly, etc.) and you think you may know why - PLEASE let me know your thoughts!!!




Operation Blackbriar WIP V 0.1d

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