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Terran Vampires REVIVED


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Doing this on.my phone so I cant quote everyone.


Hallucinations will probably happen. Of what, Im not sure, although hunters seems likely. Maybe your evil side kicks in occasionally.


I would love to blur the screen for so many things! I should try to find out the mod that allows this and see if I can use part of it. :)


MPD is difficult. It may tie in with hallucinations, or affect your humanity. I think that your idea may work well, if it is a little bit more developed and refined by everyone. MPD is hard to implement, but between everyone Im sure we can think of something decent.

Weed and beer inebriation is a good mod for distortion effects, I'm not sure who made it though. I'd love to help you make characters, as I'd like to think anyway that I'm a fairly good writer at least, but I haven't really had any experience with translating that into the CS to make characters. If I can figure it out I'll let you know, but if I can't I'd still be thrilled to help you at least write the characters if you need it.

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As of now, most of the work is scripting. Zorak Ramone used OBSE 12 to do his 1.4 version of TV, so I have the arduous task of converting it all over to OBSE 20. Plus I have to add in a basis for all of the new stuff, which is mostly done.


What I do really need is someone who is really good at creating characters. Urko used to do that, but he left, and I cant make really good personalities.

So if you, or anyone else, can make personalities and can work dialogue, then I will gladly let you on the team.


There is a cell that I need to build for the Protiva acceptance quest. Its the only clan quest so far, for non-protivas to use the Protiva haven, although there is a subquest for Recluses and Arcanists seen as they hate each other so much.


I think I may have to update the title section of this thread. It doesnt describe a quarter of what we have.


I actually have a BA in Literature and a MA in English, and I am actually unemployed at the moment (crazy days!). I could probably flesh out some characters if you send me what you are thinking about. I would just read through some vampire books to get some ideas. I have written some short stories, some violence but no vampires, but this would be more like a play, which I could probably handle as well. Let me know if you want any help with that!

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Any help from either of you is welcome. ;)


There are a few things I need from you before you can join up officially, seen as all the files are in a secure place, and you have to be invited to gain access. Ill pm you both with the details soon. :)

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I've loved this mod since it first surfaced and I would really like to see it get somewhere. I've searched around and I've looked at the official Website for the mod, but I'm still very confused as to which version of the mod is the furthest along in development, what with so many version being out there, some of them different from official releases and what not. I'm confused about a lot of stuff, but mostly about one thing:


How goes the modding? :D

Edited by ObliviousMan
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I've loved this mod since it first surfaced and I would really like to see it get somewhere. I've searched around and I've looked at the official Website for the mod, but I'm still very confused as to which version of the mod is the furthest along in development, what with so many version being out there, some of them different from official releases and what not. I'm confused about a lot of stuff, but mostly about one thing:


How goes the modding? :D


I dont know any other version except for 1.4 on TesNexus.

There was an attempt by BadCo a while ago, but it didnt get anywhere. They just kind of disappeared. It was going to be huge from what I hear. ;)


That official website you mentioned - that was them.


As for this, we are making good progress, but it has been difficult recently. With 2 weeks of holiday coming up, I plan to get a massive chunk finished :)

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So I just wanted to make a post and thank WarRatsG for allowing me to become a part of this amazing mod. I'll be working on characters and whatever I can help out with :).


Oh, and Martin, a good way to get a feel for things is to play the original beta, that's how I got interested in this project. This one's fixing to be exponentially better, but it's a start. Other than that, it's up to WarRatsG if he wants to put out an official trailer. I'd be more than happy to put one together, or help with one, but it'll add to the suspense if you're kept guessing a little ;). And suspense makes it more fun when it comes out after all.

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you should make a trailer for this epic mod. I would love to see some of the features that you have added with my own eyes.


Would if I could mate ;)






Decided to flesh out humanity a bit. :)

As of now, it is still quite abstract - by that I mean it is mostly just statistical differences. You know, stuff like Blood Burn rate, Sun damage, resistance to Sun damage, boosts to your stats, etc.


That's fair enough I think, but who doesn't love showing off their pure evilness by frying someone on the spot?


So I'm looking for suggestions as to what these new, humanity based powers could be. I don't mind if they are replicas of other powers that we have so far. So as an example. for inhumanity we could allow the vampire to boil the victim's blood - like the fifth level of Blood Domination, but as a greater power with no blood cost. A human vampire might have something to do with seduction.


Anything you can think of, I would love to hear. :)

Edited by WarRatsG
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If you know how to, you should make like an power, that cost a lot of blood points, just so it ain't too over powered.

The power should be that you can rip the spine or heart out of a person, and have a nice little animation.

Maybe you should only be able to do it once per day.

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If you know how to, you should make like an power, that cost a lot of blood points, just so it ain't too over powered.

The power should be that you can rip the spine or heart out of a person, and have a nice little animation.

Maybe you should only be able to do it once per day.


I think that I've been asked to do that about 5 times now :P


I would if I could create animations. Nothing would make me happier than rewarding someone's continued malevolence with the ability to gorily tear out the organs of a person ;)

Maybe there is an animation in vanilla oblivion that will do the trick. One of the punching ones maybe. I'll take a look ;)


Now lets all try and think of a reward for playing nice :)

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