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Terran Vampires REVIVED


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Just added a thread to BethSoft. :D

For the record, I added a thread to TesAlliance months ago, but it didn't get a single post ;D


Good news - I'm on study leave, so I will now have much more time to get stuff done in this mod. The To-Do list is getting smaller and smaller now ;)



EDIT: First post was from BadCompany, who you may remember from the last attempt at a revival. He has offered us any resources remaining from their project, which had many modellers working exclusively for Terran Vampires. The size of the package will probably double, but that probably won't matter ;D



EDIT: I'm just working on the Witness script just now. Basically, I'm setting up what happens if you are spotted while undisguised.


I'm trying to figure out how it should be done. Should a certain number of people have to see you before you gain bounty? Should you be able to kill the witness - and how long should you have before it's too late to kill them?


Any thoughts, then let me know ;)

Edited by WarRatsG
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I think you should allow the witness to be killed (in case someone wants to play an "evil" vampire). The time to do it should be 8 seconds to present a challenge, and its still quite enough to chase him down if neccessary. Or even less than that.
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I think you should allow the witness to be killed (in case someone wants to play an "evil" vampire). The time to do it should be 8 seconds to present a challenge, and its still quite enough to chase him down if neccessary. Or even less than that.


Witnesses will only appear for evil vampires anyway - Nice blood-suckers need not disguise themselves ;)


Less than 8 seconds? You're quite the masochist :P

Your right though - it would only take about 10 seconds for someone to see or hear a call for help. Someone shouting "Vampire!" would get the message across pretty quickly.


Just in case it's a little too fast for some people though, I will make it configurable. The player can choose how long they will have, but there will be easy/medium/hard settings as guidelines.



So now, when someone sees you undisguised, they will either attack you or run away. Regardless of their choice, you have a limited time (of your choice) to kill them before you get a bounty. If they are a guard, or something similar, the bounty is added immediately - just like vanilla Oblivion. Anyone who sees you chasing a witness will also become a witness themselves. So public displays of aggression will quickly get you a lot of attention, compared to someone reporting a shadowy figure leaping across rooftops.


Sound fair?

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I think you should allow the witness to be killed (in case someone wants to play an "evil" vampire). The time to do it should be 8 seconds to present a challenge, and its still quite enough to chase him down if neccessary. Or even less than that.


Witnesses will only appear for evil vampires anyway - Nice blood-suckers need not disguise themselves ;)


Less than 8 seconds? You're quite the masochist :P

Your right though - it would only take about 10 seconds for someone to see or hear a call for help. Someone shouting "Vampire!" would get the message across pretty quickly.


Just in case it's a little too fast for some people though, I will make it configurable. The player can choose how long they will have, but there will be easy/medium/hard settings as guidelines.



So now, when someone sees you undisguised, they will either attack you or run away. Regardless of their choice, you have a limited time (of your choice) to kill them before you get a bounty. If they are a guard, or something similar, the bounty is added immediately - just like vanilla Oblivion. Anyone who sees you chasing a witness will also become a witness themselves. So public displays of aggression will quickly get you a lot of attention, compared to someone reporting a shadowy figure leaping across rooftops.


Sound fair?


Yeah, thats what I had in mind :happy:

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well of course we suport this. it is an good mood and when you are finished whit it it wil be awesome good


Here's hoping ;)


I am truly sorry it's taken so long. If I wasn't such a perfectionist then you would have seen the first release months ago. For example, I just spent an hour on about 5 chunks of dialogue, getting each bit to sound just right and make the listener ask themselves the right moral questions.


I don't think I'm good at it, but here is a little sample...


"I hate your elitism, your arrogance... your self deception.

You take pride in your superiority over humans, yet you hold on to your greed, your vanity...

It's not your fault. You're only human."


Wow, that's some serious dialogue lol, hope I can live up :sweat:. As far as using an overhaul, I've only used this one since the first version came out lol, and this is proving to be exponentially better than the original. The only thing I used for vampires before getting Terran Vampires is appearance changers to make them look better lol.

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Can I just point out that there is no point in refusing to use other overhauls until this one comes out - this one should be compatible with most others anyway :thumbsup:


But it's good to know you are all still eager 8)

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